One Nation’s Page
in support of One Nation

We need your urgent help to cover sponsorship for Hafiz Students in Bangladesh.
£1 a day covers a - students accommodation
- food 2 meals and education
- total of £30 a month or £360 for the year.
If you can’t sponsor a full hafiz then please consider donating whatever you can. SADAQA, LILLAH & ZAKAAT (PLEASE WRITE ZAKAAT AS REFERENCE)
The Prophet Muhammad Salallahu 'alaihi wasallam emphasised the importance of providing education stating: 'The best amongst you is the one who learns the Quran and teaches it.' - Sahih al-Bukhari
Sponsoring a Hafiiz is one of the best investments you can make and one of the best forms of Sadaqah Jariyah ; The donor can expect to receive Allah's blessings so long as the recipient / beneficiary remains alive. If the recipient / beneficiary has passed on his learning before his death, then the rewards continue through the vehicle of his students.
All sponsors will get annual reports on the progress of the student they're sponsoring.
After donating please contact ONE NATION UK to retrieve sponsorship details. Please donate generously £30 for a month or £360 for a year
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