One Ummah’s Page
in support of One Ummah
The people of Gaza are facing attacks from the skies once again. May Allah s.w.t. protect them.
More than 2 million people are crammed into Gaza, one of the most densely populated cities on earth. The majority live under the poverty line and rely on your donations to survive. You can provide emergency aid and give them some relief today.
Their suffering continues and the trauma of the children is unimaginable as they never get a chance to truly recover due to the reoccurring attacks; they need help right now.
The One Ummah team are working tirelessly on the ground to save as many lives as possible in Gaza.
£100 – Can provide an Emergency Pack.
Donate to help alleviate their suffering
One Ummah Charity | 100% Donation Policy
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Ali Dawah
Smile2jannah .
Aboo Hafsah .
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