Maryam’s Page
in support of One Nation

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
May this message reach you in the best of health and imaan Ameen
Bismillah, I write this on behalf of my dear sisters Sabina, Miriam and Rozina who have recently lost their parents in a tragic road car accident. It has been extremely difficult upon the family and loved ones. Allah have mercy on them and grant them ease in this trial Ameen
We would like to dedicate a wudhu area in Afghanistan on there parents as a form of ongoing charity. A legacy to continue on after them which gains everlasting reward InshaAllah.
The beautiful act of wudhu is a mercy upon this ummah, cleansing you of sins and Subhanallah how you shall be recognised on the Day of Jugement. Imagine the reward you can be part of as you require it to pray salah too.
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: The best charity is giving water to drink? [Ahmad] and he was the most generous in giving charity.
One Nation operate a 100% donation policy, your contribution is strictly used for the project. Any administrative costs are covered by the charities gift aid they receive and other fundraising. Givebrite may include processing fees of their own.
Please note this campaign is only accepting donations of Sadaqah and Lillah.
For more info - https://onenationuk.org/projects/gift-of-water
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Wudhu Area For Usman Sheikh
Help Us Build A Masjid In Memory Of Khalid Mehmood Sheikh
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